Legendary Items

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Legendary Items are a special type of MineZ loot that offer a variety of unique effects. Legendary items are primarily found at the end of dungeons as a reward, however some can be acquired through other means such as holiday events.

Legendary Melee Weapons

Name Image Notes Obtained From
Corsair's Edge Iron Sword.png Hit Playerː Deals 15% more damage to players holding a diamond sword. Costs 2 durability. Ghost Fleet
Death's Scythe Iron Hoe.png Passive Effect Has a 25% chance to perform a strong slashing attack. This increases your attack strength by 15%.
(Deals the damage of an iron sword)
Bloodstained Abyss Mid Loot Room
Earth Shaker Iron Axe.png Right Click: Knocks entities within 5 blocks of the block right clicked away a short distance. Costs 5 durability Crafting a Rusted Earth Shaker and a Chunk of Iron together.
Endeavour Stone Sword.png Hit Player Deals +80% more damage if the opponent has more health than you. St. Roseluck Crypt
Flail Golden Sword.png Hit Playerː Deals increasing damage the lower your health is. Costs 3 durability.

Secondary Effect: Upon breaking the item, gain 2.0 absorption hearts. 10 second cooldown.

Aeternalis Crypt
Forsaken's Blade Iron Sword.png Right Click Generate a circle for 10 seconds that bounces back ranged attacks. Breaks after use. Forsakens
Gamble Stone Sword.png Right Click: Click a loot chest for a 60% chance to double loot or 40% to explode! Red Demon Temple
Helm Splitter Diamond Sword.png Kill Playerː Land a killing blow to cleave a players head clean off. Costs 100 durability. Supply Drops
Ipse's Folly Golden Sword.png Right Click: Deals 2.0 hearts damage to the user. 5 players within 6 blocks gain Regeneration III for 3 seconds and the user gains Regeneration I for 10 seconds. Costs 8 durability, 10 second cooldown. Ghost Fleet
Kikuichimonji Wooden Sword.png Hit Player Has a 33% chance to give the player hit Poison I (6s). Bloodstained Abyss Low Loot Room
Lone Sword Iron Sword.png Right Clickː Gain Regeneration I for 10 seconds. Costs 10 durability, 60 second cooldown. Maze of the Tenth
Masamune Iron Sword.png Right Click Gives 1.5 absorption hearts and 1.5 hearts (30s). Consumes 10 durability and has a 60 seconds cooldown. Necromancer Tower
Muramasa Iron Sword.png Hit Player Every 10 seconds, steals 3 hunger available when a player is hit. 30 second cooldown per player. Wizard Tower
Night's Shadow Iron Sword.png Hit Player When Wither Strike is active, hitting a player will inflict Wither I (5s).
Right Click Unleash the power of night and gain Wither Strike. Costs 25 durability.
(Wither Strike has a 60s cooldown)
Bloodstained Abyss High Loot Room
Overkill Diamond Sword.png Hit Player Your killing blow deals true damage based on your opponent's missing health. Inflicts Weakness II (10s) to you on a successful hit.
Right Click Activate a killing blow at the cost of 50 durability. Killing blow lasts 5 seconds.
Byesford Labs
Peace Diamond Sword.png Passive Effectː Has a 25% chance to give your opponent Weakness II, as well as a 15% chance to give yourself Weakness II for 5 seconds. Sunken Library
Phantom Blade Iron Sword.png Right Click Dash forward several blocks at the cost of 15 durability.
(Has a 30 second cooldown. Disabled in dungeons)
Body Offload
Robber's Blade Wooden Sword.png Passive Effectː Deals no damage. Does not work on PvE. Does not work on players with no available items.

Left Clickː Steal a random item from the target player's hotbar (Breaks after use). Cannot steal equipped armor, Soulbound items or Small Bags.

Lost Thieves Guild
Rusted Earth Shaker Stone Axe.png Passive Effect: Upon use, launches all zombies within 5 blocks into the air, and deals 2 hearts of true damage to them. Each use uses 50 durability. Rampaging Golem
Tenseiga Iron Sword.png Left Click Shoots a beam of healing straight forward with a range of 15 at the cost of 4 durability. Beam of healing heals the players shot for 4 hearts and has a 5 seconds cooldown.
Right Click Emit a healing field that heals other players for 12 hearts at the cost of 10 durability and has a 15 seconds cooldown.
Vampyr Iron Sword.png Hit Player: Heals 0.25 hearts upon hitting players. Heals 0.4 hearts if your health is below 50%.

Hit Monster: Heals 0.4 hearts upon hitting zombies. Heals 0.7 hearts if your health is below 50%.

Dark Mansion

Legendary Bows

Name Image Notes Obtained From
Binding Bow Bow.png Gives the player shot Slowness III for 3 to 10 seconds depending on the distance travelled, at the cost of 2 durability. Anvalia Mines
Blunderbuss Bow.png Left Click Load a grenade. x/3.
Right Click Fire a charged shot. Each Grenade loaded deals 2 Hearts of damage
Secondary Effect Shooting this causes massive recoil!
Zerbia Depths
Grapeshot Bow.png Right Click Fires a volley of grenades. Requires 8 arrows, consumes 3 durability. Zerbia Depths
Heal Bow Bow.png Deals no damage but restores 3 hearts to the player shot, at the cost of 3 arrows and 2 durability. Eclipsed Headquarters
Quiet Bow.png Plays a ghast sound upon shooting a player, which can be heard by everyone nearby. Sunken Library
Rocksteady Bow.png Gives the player shot Resistance III and Slowness III for 5 seconds. Byesford Labs
Shotbow Bow.png Shoots a volley of 8 arrows at full charge at the cost of 1 durability and 1 arrow, dealing up to a total of 6 hearts if all 8 arrows hit. Has a cooldown of 3 seconds. Mount Therum
Snowbrawler Bow.png Right Clickː Fires a snowball at the cost of 2 arrows. Shivers
Spike Thrower Bow.png 10 arrows scatter in a circle around the player. Eclipsed Ruins
Stomper Bow.png Right Clickː Creates a ring of particles wherever the arrow lands. After 1 second, players and zombies inside of the ring are launched upwards. Costs 3 arrows and 2 durability. Scorched Giant
Truth Bow Bow.png Gives the player shot Glowing I for 10 seconds and marks them for the duration at full charge, at the cost of 3 durability. Marked players take 15% more melee damage from players. The wielder is given slowness II for 10 seconds after shooting. Aeternalis Crypt
Venom Bow Bow.png Shoot a player to mark them. Repeated shots on the same target will stack more marks. Stacks up to 8 marks, marks last 10 seconds. Left-click to detonate all applied marks, dealing .5 hearts per mark. Also deals power 1 bow damage. Flooded Tunnels
Web Shot Bow.png Shoots a snowball that creates a bundle of webs upon impact for up to 5 seconds depending on the distance travelled at full charge, at the cost of 2 arrows. Disabled in dungeons. Sunken Mire
Zombie Bow Bow.png Shoots a zombie egg at full charge, at the cost of one arrow. Zombie eggs have a chance to turn into a zombie after a short delay. Devil's Respite

Legendary Armor

Name Image Notes Obtained From
Binding Helmet Iron Helmet.png Passive Effect: Has a 10% chance to give the attacker Slowness I for 2 seconds when the wearer is hit. Krubera Vault
Frost Walker Iron Boots.png Swap Key: Activate while on water to create platforms of ice for 20 seconds. Costs 5 durability, 75 second cooldown. Shivers, Sunken Library, Drops from Frozen Giant
Gorgon's Gaze Iron Helmet.png Sneak: Inflicts an increasing Slowness effect to all players within 10 blocks of your line of sight. Costs 1 durability per second, 15 second cooldown. Serpent's Hold
Miner's Lamp Iron Helmet.png Swap Key Make players within 40 blocks glow for 10 seconds with a 20 second cooldown at the cost of 10 durability.
Passive Effect Gives indefinite Night Vision when worn.
The Undermines
Ninja Sandals Enchanted Chainmail Boots.gif Passive Effect: Gives the wearer Speed II for 5 seconds when hit. Lost Thieves Guild
Rubber Shield Iron Chestplate.png Passive Effect: Grants knockback immunity, reduces damage by arrows by 50%, increases knockback taken by melee weapons. St. Roseluck Crypt
RimeGuard Iron Chestplate.png Sneak: Summons a snowstorm for 3 seconds, pushing undead away while dealing 2 hearts. Consumes 5 durability. Drops from Frozen Giant

Legendary Potions

Name Image Notes Obtained From
Acid Vial Lingering Potion of Poison.png Right click to throw the potion and cover the ground in acid. When you're inside the acid your armor and weapons take heavy durability damage. Zombies take heavy damage and are permanently slowed. Can't be used at Meridian. Alchemical Lab
Giant's Brew Potion of Healing.png Right Click: Gives strength I (+10% melee damage) for 40 seconds. Scorched Giants
Seafarer's Grog Potion of Leaping.png Right Click Drink to gain 2 absorption (60s), 5 hunger, saturation and water. Orlop Deck

Other Legendary Items

Name Image Notes Obtained From
Corsair's Curse Nether Quartz.png Right Click: Becomes invisible for 2 seconds.
(Stacks to 3. Has a 10 second cooldown between uses. Makes the player completely invisible, including their armor and held item. Player will reappear early if attacking another player)
Ghost Fleet
Dynamite Charge TNT.png Right Click: Explodes 3 seconds after thrown, deals 3.5 hearts of damage. Abandoned Mineshaft
Emerald Geode Emerald Geode.png Currently unknown at this time. Eclipsed Headquarters
Gate Stone Gate stone.png Used to travel between Waygates through The Tether, has 8 uses. Becomes darker with each use and breaks after its final use. Can be charged and converted to an Exalted Gate Stone at Asindia Ruins. Warped Ruins
Exalted Gate Stone 32px Used at any Waygate; will open a portal and send the user directly to Meridian. Once used it will turn into a normal gatestone. Asindia Ruins
Seal of Entropy Enchanted Regular Book.gif Right Click: Creates a circle around the user, all players views except for the user will be randomized for 3 seconds. Gives the user Speed I (5s). Fire Spire Past
Seal of Gravity Enchanted Regular Book.gif Right Click: Thrown out when right clicked, causing all nearby players to be pulled its location after a short delay. Breaks after use. Wind Spire Past
Seal of Space Enchanted Regular Book.gif Right Click: Marks a location up to twenty blocks away and creates a circle around the user when right-clicked. After a short delay, all players within the circle are teleported to the marked location. Breaks after use. Cannot be used in dungeons. Earth Spire Past
Seal of Time Enchanted Regular Book.gif Right Click: Marks the user's current location and begins a countdown of 7.5 seconds when right-clicked. At the end of the countdown, the user teleports to the marked location with the same health, hunger, and saturation that they had upon starting the countdown. Breaks after use. Water Spire Past
Toadstool Pottage Pottage.png Right Click: Gives Speed II and Jump Boost I for 20 seconds. 25 second cooldown. Herbalist's Hideout
Voltaic Wedge Prismarine Shard.png Right Click: Lodge into the ground to stun nearby undead for 20 seconds. 3 second cooldown. Arid Temple
Watering Can Water Bucket.png Right Click: Regrow crops in an area (2x2) around you.
3/3 uses remaining
Bell Bunker
Blast Pickaxe Iron_Pickaxe.png Left Click: Instantly smelts ore once mined, uses several durability. Rampaging Golem
Weak Lockpick Tripwire_Hook.png Right Click: Open an Iron Door for 30 seconds.
1/1 uses remaining
Passive Effect: Opening a Trapped Chest while in main hand will not cause a Zombie to appear.
Thieves Guild

Anemos Sanctum Elite Legendaries

Name Image Notes Drop Chance
Simoon's Song Iron Sword.png Deals no damage but gives the user and player hit 5 seconds of Speed I and inflicts a powerful knockback effect on the player hit at the cost of 5 durability. The knockback effect is doubled if the player hit is is in the air. Cannot be used in Zerbia Depths. 33.3%
Simoon's Melody Bow.png Gives the player shot Levitation 2 for 3 seconds, at the cost of 3 durability. Has a 5-second cooldown between uses. 33.3%
Simoon's Sonata Iron Chestplate.png Gives the wearer Speed II for 4 seconds when hitting another player. 11.1%
Simoon's Tune 32px Gives the user Speed III and Jump Boost III for 30 seconds. 22.2%

Desert Canyon Sanctuary Elite Legendaries

Name Image Notes Drop Chance
Therum's Strength Iron Sword.png Has a 10% chance to grant the attacker resistance I for 5 seconds per hit. 33.3%
Therum's Power Bow.png Hit Player Reduces the armor durability of the player shot by 20% of the current durability at full charge at the cost of 3 arrows and 4 durability 33.3%
Therum's Force Iron Chestplate.png Has a 10% chance to give resistance I for 5 seconds at the cost of 3 durability when the wearer is hit. 11.1%
Therum's Might Potion of Fire Resistance.png Gives the user Resistance III and Slowness III for 30 seconds. 22.2%

Frostbain Catacombs Elite Legendaries

Name Image Notes Drop Chance
Agni's Rage Iron Sword.png Has a 10% chance to set the player hit on fire. If the player who is hit is already on fire, the fire duration stacks up. Plays a creeper hissing sound when successfully activated. 33.3%
Agni's Fury Bow.png Right Click Summons a bolt of lightning wherever the arrow lands. Requires 3 arrows, consumes 10 durability.
(Deals damage in an area. After being damaged by lightning, a player cannot be damaged by lightning again for 4 seconds)
Agni's Wrath Iron Chestplate.png Has a 10% chance to light the attacker on fire when the wearer is hit. 11.1%
Agni's Ire Potion of Healing.png Right Click Become enraged for 25 seconds, inflicts Blindness V (10s).
Passive Effect While enraged instantly kill zombies and skeletons.

Paluster Shrine Elite Legendaries

Name Image Notes Drop Chance
Pluvia's Storm Iron Sword.png Right Click: Restores 4 hunger bars and gives 2.7 saturation at the cost of 10 durability. Cooldown: 60 seconds. 33.3%
Pluvia's Rain Bow.png Hit Player Steals 2.5 hunger or saturation if available when a player is shot. Consumes 2 durability. 30 second cooldown per player.
(Requires full bow charge)
Pluvia's Tempest Iron Chestplate.png Has an 10% chance to restore half a heart to the wearer when hit, at the cost of 1 durability. 11.1%
Pluvia's Hail 32px Heals 7 hearts instantly, restores 3 hunger bars, adds 6 saturation to the user, and fills the user's thirst. 22.2%

Shrine of the Dusk Elite Legendaries

Name Image Notes Drop Chance
Dentril's Fear Iron Sword.png Has a 10% chance to give the player hit Poison II for 5 seconds and plays a low-pitch ghast sound when successful. 33.3%
Dentril's Fright Bow.png Gives the player shot Poison I for 6 seconds and plays a low-pitch ghast sound, at the cost of 2 arrows and 2 durability. Requires a full charge. 33.3%
Dentril's Terror Iron Chestplate.png Has a 10% chance to give the attacker Poison I for 5 seconds. Plays a low-pitch ghast sound when activated. 11.1%
Dentril's Dread 32px Gives the wearer Invisibility III and Weakness III for 30 seconds. 22.2%

Retired Legendary Items

Name Image Notes
Battle Sign Sign.png Deals the damage of an iron sword to the player hit.
Chalice of Wine Chalice of wine.png Right Click: Gives Speed II for 40 seconds, followed by Nausea I for 10 seconds and Poison I for 3 seconds. 40 second cooldown.
Clay Club Stone Sword.png Hit Monster Stun zombies when hit.
Passive Effect Deals Smite I damage.
Cutlass Iron Sword.png Hit Player Has a 10% chance to inflict bleeding to the player hit.
Grass Blade Wooden Sword.png Passive Effectː Deals iron sword damage to players and zombies.
Grey Bow Bow.png Hit Player Clears any active potion effects on hit. Requires 5 (?) arrows.
Heal Sword Iron Sword.png Deals no damage but restores half a heart to the player hit.
Helmet of Vision Iron Helmet.png Gives the wearer Night Vision IV while equipped.
Hurter Wooden Sword.png Damages the player hit for 0 hearts multiple times per second for 10 seconds, causing their screen to shake, at the cost of 40 durability.
Meteor Rain Iron Axe.png Causes a storm of fireballs to fall from the sky when right-clicked. Breaks after use.
Oni Mask Chainmail Helmet.png The wearer takes less damage from diamond swords.
Rabbit Feet Iron Boots.png Gives the wearer Jump Boost II when equipped. Jumping costs 1 durability but will not cost further durability from jumping for 3 seconds.
Sacrificial Sword Wooden Sword.png When right-clicked, the user is reduced to half a heart, their inventory is cleared and players around the user gain Regeneration I for 30 seconds. Plays an iron golem sound when used.
Simoon's Deal Wooden Sword.png Gives the user Weakness I and Slowness I for 30 seconds when right clicked and gives the user Strength I for 30 seconds once the negative effects end. Breaks after use.
Slow Bow Bow.png Hit Player: Inflicts Slowness on hit. Duration and strength vary on shot distance. Costs 2 durability.
Thorned Crown Leather Cap.png Enchanted with Thorns III.
Void Bow Bow.png Hit Player Clears any active potion effects on hit. Requires 3 arrows.

Holiday Legendary Items

Name Image Notes Obtained From
Bard's Bell Bard's Bell.png Right Click Grants Regeneration I (5s), Speed I (3s) and Fire Resistance (10s) to all players within 7 blocks and has a 60 second cooldown.
x/10 Uses remaining
Cake Cannon Bow.png Right Click Fully charge the bow and fire, to spawn a Cake wherever the projectile lands. Requires 7 arrows and consumes 7 durability. Has a 60 second cooldown. 10th Anniversary Headhunt
Chimney Sweep Iron Leggings.png Sneak Shifting for 3 seconds launches you upwards a short distance. Deals a ground pound effect to all nearby entities when you land. Consumes 10 durability.
(Durability is consumed when ground pound happens. Ground pound does not work on PvE)
Santa's Sweatshop
Egg Shooter Bow.png Right Click to fire an Easter Egg. There's a surprise inside each one! Affects players within 5 blocks. Takes 3 Arrows and 10 Durability. Valarune 2021 Headhunt
Firestarter Wooden Sword.png Hit Player Combos deal increasing damage. Breaks after 5 consecutive hits, lights the target on fire for 5 seconds. Wonderland
Honor Bound Blade Diamond Sword.png Kill Player Grants Resistance X for up to 10 seconds until another player is damaged.
Secondary Effect Tracks the number of player kills. Total Kills: x
Spookfest Treat Chests
Penguin Feet Iron Boots.png Swap Key Activating this while on Snow or Ice grants Speed III for 30 seconds. Costs 10 durability.
Passive Effect Passively gain Speed I when walking on Snow or Ice.
Wonderland 2020 Waddles Hunt
Present Shooter Bow.png ? Wonderland 2021 Headhunt
Wonderland Treat Chests
Silver and Gold Sword Golden Sword.png Silver and Gold means so much more XP from zombies
(Final blows with this weapon multiply Shotbow XP gained by x times)
Wonderland 2021 Headhunt
Skeletal Bow Bow.png Left Click Upon reaching 4 ability charges fire an explosive bone from the bow, dealing damage on impact. Spooky!
Right Click Fully charged shots on players grant a ability charge.
Spookfest Town Chests
Slay Bells Golden Sword.png Hit Player Combos deal increasing damage. Breaks after 7 consecutive hits, giving 4 absorption hearts (30s). Wonderland
Super Spooky Pumpkin Carved Pumpkin.png Sneak Spooks nearby players within 10 blocks with a 10 second cooldown.
(Spooking a player gives them x and x for x seconds)
Spookfest Treat Chests
Heartless Mansion Dungeon
Spookfest 2015 Dungeon

Event Legendary Items

Name Image Notes
Fleshrender Diamond Sword.png Hit Monster: Gives the user 0.5 absorption hearts for 30 seconds on hitting monsters. These stack upon each consecutive hit.

Right Click: Summons a healing aura around the user with a radius of 6 blocks, healing all players for 6.0 hearts and instantly killing most monsters within the radius. Costs 50 durability, 60 second cooldown.

Mjolnir Iron Axe.png Right Click: Summons a bolt of lightning at the cursor position, dealing damage in the areas. Costs 100 durability, 10 second cooldown.
Old Wind Blade Iron Sword.png Hit Player: Launches the target in the direction faced, giving brief fall damage immunity. Costs 10 durability, 30 second cooldown.
Portal Bow Bow.png Right Click Shoot the ground to open a rift in space between your current location and the target block at the cost of 10 arrows and 25 durability. The link will remain active for 10 seconds, with each passing player reducing the total by 2.
Scrambler Bow.png Hit Player: Scramble the target's hotbar, missing scrambles your hotbar. Costs 3 arrows and 24 durability, 5 second cooldown.
Spray Painter Bow.png Right Click: Fires an explosive wool block that deals up to 3.0 hearts on hit. Costs 3 arrows and 2 durability.
Wither Shot Bow.png Right Click Fires a mysterious wither shot. Requires 2 arrows, consumes 10 durability.
Zombie Smacker Iron Sword.png Hit Monster: Deals heavily increased knockback to monsters.


  • Agni is the MineZ God of fire. Agni shares its name with the Hindu God of fire.
  • Simoon is the MineZ God of wind. Simoon's name may be derived from the Simoom winds of the Sahara desert.
  • Pluvia is the MineZ God of water. The name "Pluvia" is the Latin word for rain.
  • Therum is the MineZ Goddess of earth. Therum's name may be derived from Mass Effect in which there is a planet that shares her name. This is evidenced by the fact that "Earth" is both the name of Therum's element and our own planet.
  • Hestril is the MineZ God of light. His alter ego, Dentril, is the MineZ God of darkness.
  • Corsair's Edge: "Corsair" is another word for a pirate. Since this blade does more damage to those wielding diamond swords, its name could be a metaphor for a battle between a pirate and a more powerful foe. The pirate is most likely out geared, and would need a Corsair's Edge to win the battle.
  • Endeavour: An "Endeavour" is an attempt to achieve something difficult - such as defeating an opponent with greater health than you - which explains the effect of this weapon.
  • Flail: A "Flail" is a type of weapon consisting of a staff with a heavy or spiked ball hanging from a rope or chain. The weapon would be swung around, causing the ball to hit an enemy.
  • Ipse's Folly: "Ipse" is the Latin word for "he", and "folly" is a state of foolishness. This suggests that the wielder of this sword is foolish and that using the sword is a mistake.
  • Kikuichimonji: "Kiku-ichimonji" is the name given to the collection of thirteen swords created at a special sword-making convention for a Japanese emperor in 1208 AD.
  • Muramasa: Muramasa Sengo was a famous swordsmith who lived in the 1500s in Japan. Legend has it his blades could drive his opponents mad to the point of suicide after a fight. This may reflect the weapon's effect to steal hunger from players.
  • Vampyr: "Vampyr" is the Latin word for "vampire", which reflects the weapon's ability to suck blood from the player hit.
  • Shotbow: The Shotbow name of the network that hosts the MineZ servers, the "Shotbow Network". The logo of the network is a Minecraft bow charged with three arrows, just like how the weapon fires multiple arrows at once.
  • Ninja Sandals: A "ninja" is the name given to someone skilled in ninjutsu, a Japanese martial art based around stealth and agility, hence why the boots grant speed.
  • Battle Sign: A battlesign is a type of weapon that can be created in the Tinker's Construct mod for Minecraft.
  • Masamune: Masamune was a Japanese swordsmith from slightly earlier than Muramasa (late 13th to early 14th centuries). His works were known for being of great beauty and splendor. This may be the reason for the Masamune Legendary healing the user. Masamune is arguably Japan's most famous swordsmith - to this day, an award is given out annually called the Masamune Prize and is only given to works of exceptional beauty and perfection.
  • Oni Mask: Oni are characters of Japanese mythology and folklore, commonly depicted as demons, ogres, or other unappealing creatures.
  • Phantom Blade: "Phantom" is another word for a ghost of a typically malicious nature. The Phantom Blade may pull the user towards their target to signify how a phantom may continue to haunt its prey.
  • Thorned Crown: According to three of the four gospels, a crown of thorns was placed on the head of Jesus Christ during the events leading up to his crucifixion. The Thorned Crown in MineZ was previously found inside the Cave of the Dead Lady.
  • Gorgon's Gaze: According to Greek literature, the term "Gorgon" commonly refers to any of the three sisters who had hair made of living, venomous snakes, as well as a gaze that turned those who behold them to stone. This explains why hitting the wearer gives the attacker Slowness; by hitting the wearer they are gazing into the Gorgon's eyes and getting turned into stone.
  • Mjolnir: "Mjölnir" is the name of the hammer wielded by Thor, the Norse God of thunder. This is why the weapon strikes lightning when used.
  • Tenseiga: The Tenseiga is a sword found in the InuYasha manga series. Its special properties were that it could not harm or kill living beings, however, it was able to badly injure beings from the realm of the dead. In the world of the living, it had the power to resurrect the dead and heal the wounded, which is why the Legendary heals others it hits.
  • Blunderbuss: A blunderbuss is a type of gun used mainly in the 1800s, which was designed to fire small ball-shaped bullets.
  • The Zombie Head used to be an Event Legendary item obtained from the Frostbain Catacombs. It had a 1% chance of spawning in the loot room, prior to the Secret Project Update in August 2015. Zombie Heads became obtainable again in the Pre-Origins Update, and were later given a 1% chance to drop from Giants.
  • Shrine of the Dusk is the only Elite Dungeon to have an 11.1% drop chance for it's Elite Legendary potion, Dentril's Dread. This is because one of the nine slots in the Elite Legendary dispensers contain The Key of Axis Mundi - Dusk Fragment instead of an additional potion.
  • The Pre-Origins Update reintroduced Legendaries that were either Event Legendaries (such as Peace, Quiet and Zombie Head), or Pre-Secret Project Update Legendaries (such as Corsair's Edge, Vampyr and Gamble). There were also new Legendaries introduced (such as Endeavour, Meteor Rain and Venom Bow).
  • The Pre-Origins Update also removed two Secret Project Update Legendaries: Helmet of Vision and Heal Sword. Helmet of Vision was reintroduced with the PTR Update, but removed once more with the rebuild of Abandoned Mineshaft
  • In the Origins Update the Blunderbuss and Phantom Blade was made obtainable again while removing many other legendaries.
  • The June 2020 update added the new Web Shot legendary, and gave functionality to the 4 Seals.