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Whitehaven, as seen from inside the town.

Whitehaven is a town meant to welcome players to the snowy realm of the mid-map. It is common for people to stay here in search of food before heading north. It is advised to leave if in need of water, military supplies or potions as this location contains none of these.

General Information
Coordinates: (-560, -1120)
Location Message: N/A
Number of Buildings: 9
Zombie Threat: Medium
Number of Chests: 24
Lootable Graves: None
Risk of Bandits: Medium

General Resources
Water bottle.png Water Refill

Crafting TableHD.png Crafting Table
New FarmHD2.png Farm 5 Melons
Brewing stand.png Brewing Stand

Lit Furnace HD.png Lit Furnace

Civilian Loot
Paper.png Common Chests

Yellow dye.png Uncommon Chests 6
Antidote Flask.png Rare Chests 5
Tool Loot
Wooden hoe.png Common Chests 2
Stone Button (S) JE5 BE2.png Uncommon Chests 2
Stone hoe.png Rare Chests 2
Food Loot
Beetroot.png Common Chests

Wheat.png Uncommon Chests 7
Pumpkin pie.png Rare Chests

Potion Loot
Potion Drink Health.gif Common Chests

Potion Splash Health.gif Uncommon Chests

Glowstone Dust.png Rare Chests

Military Loot
Arrow.png Common Chests

Sugar.png Uncommon Chests

Ender pearl.png Rare Chests

Gunpowder.png Epic Chests

Diamond axe.png Mythic Chests

Room Loot
Gold apple.png High Chests

Cooked cod.png Low Chests

Travel Advisory/Warnings


  • This location was rebuilt with update 4.7.3.
  • The Whitehaven Mines were previously located here, before being removed.
