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Healing is a vital part of MineZ, as unlike Vanilla Minecraft, health will not regenerate with a full hunger bar. In order to regain health, healing items must be used, use potions or eat any kind of food, excluding rotten flesh.


Healing is pretty simple. Have at least a few of these ready for healing if in a group, and a lot more if traveling alone.

  • Paper.png Paper (known as a bandage) can be right-clicked to instantly heal a single heart or stop any bleeding and it will only heal half a heart. The paper is immediately consumed, so carry more than one.
  • Apple.png Food, excluding rotten flesh, heals half a heart every time it is eaten (in addition to restoring hunger). The most efficient food to restore health from is golden apples, since they give Regeneration II for five seconds and Absortion II for two minutes. Eating food will not stop bleeding.
  • Potion Drink Health.gif Health potions can be found mainly in potion chests (mainly found in churches) and come in Instant Health I and II. Splash and Lingering versions also exist. Drink them for an instant 3 or 4 hearts of health respectively. Empty bottles won't be given back after drinking one. Drinkable Instant Health potions can be brewed with gunpowder to make them splash potions and glowstone dust can be used to make Health Is, drink or splash, into Health IIs.

Healing Others

Healing others is a very good way for a team to keep each other's health up while taking up minimal inventory space. In order to heal another player without using health potions, use shears (also known as Healing kit) and the proper kit items such as healing ointment, antibiotics, bandages, etc. Healing another player will consume the items used, so if healing ointment and antibiotics are enabled it will consume one bandage and one of each enabled item. However, when nothing's enabled and the player attempt to heal someone with just a bandage it will give them a small amount of health without consuming a bandage or any kit items. After being successfully healed by another player, the player must wait out a cooldown that varies in length depending on what kit items were used for the heal in order for someone to heal that player again.

Name Image Attributes Notes
Heal Kit Shears.png This item is used to store bandages and medicine in stacks of up to 10 for each item.
It enables players to check other player's HP, provide better healing, and grant the benefits of medicine.
Typically found in civilian chests, these items cannot stack.
Bandage Paper.png Right click to use. Heals one heart (Full heart.png) when not bleeding. Unlike using a bandage without a kit it will not stop bleeding unless used with a healing ointment.
Healing Ointment Red Dye.png Healing Kit item that furhter increases the healing effectiveness of bandages. Using this is preferred because it restores much more health than simply using a bandage.
Antibiotics Lime dye.png Healing Kit item that cures infection when used. A group should keep some of these when or if out of milk.
Aloe Vera Orange dye.png Healing Kit item that provides temporary fire resistance. This is almost necessary for a few dungeons and a huge advantage in others.
Revitalizer Yellow dye.png Healing Kit item that provides temporary absorption. -
Stimulant Light blue dye.png Healing Kit item that provides temporary speed. -

Additional Info

  • Left-click shears on a player to see how much health they have left, their bleeding status (if bleeding), and cooldown timer before being able to be healed again (if any).
  • If 16 heals are performed, the performing player gain a green healer suffix and becomes a Healer.