Fletched Arrow
2 Gold
Stored in a dedicated inventory slot. Stacks to 64. Bow costs 1 arrow per shot, while Blunderbuss costs 4 arrows per shot.
Weak Healing Draught
2 Gold
Instant health I potion, heals 2 hearts.
Healing Draught
5 Gold
Instant health II potion, heals 4 hearts.
Weak Swiftness Draught
5 Gold
Speed I potion, lasts 3 minutes.
Swiftness Draught
20 Gold
Speed II potion, lasts 1 minute.
Restorative Draught
8 Gold
Regeneration III potion, lasts 10 seconds.
Sweet Nectar
10 Gold
Allows for infinite sprint, lasts 20 seconds.
Fruit of Fortitude
25 Gold
+3 Damage resistance, lasts 10 seconds.
10 Gold
When used, it will be thrown on the ground. All mobs within a 5 block radius of it will be set on fire for 10 seconds. The Molotov will stay on the ground for 8 seconds.
15 Gold
When used, it will be thrown in the air. Direct hits will result in 20 damage, but the farther the grenade's impact point from the mob is, the less damage it will do.
Forbidden Knowledge
20 Gold
Instantly clears all cooldowns inside the player's inventory.