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The player can raise or lower their rank in public ranked matches. The chat in SMASH shows each player's name with a number between brackets as a suffix. This number is their rank. Every player starts out with 1000 rank, or as it is mostly referred to, ELO. Winning public ranked matches raises this ELO, and losing matches lowers it. The ELO rating system is a commonly used system to rank players.

Public Matches

To join a match, simply right-click on one of the two NPCs and click on a ranked match. Alternatively, type /matchmaking to open the matchmaking menu, then click on a ranked match. Only public ranked matches will reward ELO. Parties cannot create ranked matches, and un-ranked/lifeless games will not reward ELO.


When a public ranked match is finished, the ELO difference for all players will be calculated. It will show everyone's new ELO and, between parentheses, how much they gained or lost. To calculate the final scores, the following formula is used to compare all players to each other: (5+((loser-winner)/25))

/elo (player) can be used to check the elo of any player, regardless of if they're in the lobby or not.

Click Here for the Calculation.

The ELO Colours as of Fall 2021 Season are:

  • [1000] <Player>
  • [1051] <Player>
  • [1101] <Player>
  • [1151] <Player>
  • [1201] <Player>
  • [1251] <Player>
  • [1301] <Player>
  • [1351] <Player>
  • [1401] <Player>
  • [1451] <Player>
  • [1501] <Player>
  • [1551] <Player>
  • [1601] <Player>

SMASH Leaderboards

The SMASH leaderboards show the top 20 players with the highest ELO. The leaderboards can be found here.

Every three months, the leaderboards will be reset, and a new season of SMASH begins, allowing everyone to compete for the top again. The first season of SMASH ended on October 15 2013. The second season ended on April 25 2014. The final season 1 and 2 scores have yet to be officially released by the developers but all season data has been kept.