Annihilation Shops

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Shops exist to sell you items, some of which cannot be obtained otherwise. The currency for shops is Gold, which is obtained by mining and smelting Gold Ore.

Brewing Shop Weapon Shop
Item Name Cost
Brewing stand.png Private Stand 10
Glass Bottle.png 3 Glass Bottles 1
Nether wart.png Nether Wart 5
Redstone dust.png Redstone 3
Fermented spider eye.png Fermented Spider Eye 3
Magma cream.png Magma Cream 2
Sugar.png Sugar 2
Glistering melon.png Glistering Melon 2
Ghast tear.png Ghast Tear 15
Golden carrot.png Gold Carrot 2
Spider eye.png Spider eye 2
Blaze powder.png Blaze Powder (Phase 4) 15
Item Name Cost
Iron helmet.png Iron Helmet 3
Iron chestplate.png Iron Chestplate 5
Iron leggings.png Iron Leggings 5
Iron boots.png Iron Boots 3
Iron sword.png Iron Sword 1
Bow.png Bow 1
Arrow.png 16 Arrows 1
Steak.png 10 Steak 5
Cake.png Cake 1
Cobweb.png Cobweb 1
Bottle o' Enchanting.gif 3 Bottles O' Enchanting 2
Ender pearl.png Ender Pearl 35
Milk.png Milk 5
Iron door.png Team Door 10
Sponge.png Sponge 5
Sea lantern.gif Delaying Block 20

Ender pearl.pngEnder Pearl:

  • Has a 10 second cooldown.
  • Cannot be thrown into an enemy team's protection zone, only out.

Iron door.pngTeam Door:

  • You purchase as an Iron Door when in hand. But when placed, turns into 2 glass panes of your teams color.
  • Only team members can pass through it.
  • Cannot be placed within 8 blocks on another friendly team door. Cannot be placed within 3 blocks of an enemy team door.
  • Can be broken and collected by enemies but will be given mining fatigue on hit for 5 seconds. Can also be broken by teammates but the door will be returned to the person who placed it.
  • The two blocks that you're teleported to after entering a door must be non-solid and the block directly below where you're teleported to must be solid.

Sea lantern.gifDelaying Block:

  • Can be placed anywhere.
  • When any block is broken within a 5 block radius by an enemy, they are inflicted with Mining Fatigue II, except for Engineers who are inflicted with Mining Fatigue I.
  • Cannot be placed within 8 blocks of another friendly Delaying Block. cannot be placed within 3 blocks of an enemy Delaying Block.
  • Can be broken and collected by enemies. Can also be broken by teammates but the Delaying Block will be returned to the person who placed it.

Potion Costs

All potion costs are calculated without Redstone's cost in mind, as almost all maps contain a Redstone mine, making it completely free. They also do not include the cost of the Private Stand as Alchemist contains a completely free Private Stand. If you wish to add either, for Redstone, add 3 more gold; for Private Stand, add 10 more gold.

Gunpowder and Glowstone are only available by killing the Witch and should be kept in mind when making any of these potions. However, certain makes do have glowstone blocks you can break for dust.

Enhanced Potions are only available through the Alchemist class.

Potion Set of Potions Single Enhanced Potion Set of Enhanced Potions
Fire Resistance 8 Gold ingot.png Not Applicable Not Applicable
Health 8 Gold ingot.png Not Applicable Not Applicable
Invisibility 11 Gold ingot.png 13 Gold ingot.png 17 Gold ingot.png
Night Vision 8 Gold ingot.png Not Applicable Not Applicable
Regeneration 21 Gold ingot.png 36 Gold ingot.png 66 Gold ingot.png
Speed 8 Gold ingot.png 10 Gold ingot.png 14 Gold ingot.png
Strength 21 Gold ingot.png 36 Gold ingot.png 66 Gold ingot.png
Harming 11 Gold ingot.png Not Applicable Not Applicable
Poison 8 Gold ingot.png 10 Gold ingot.png 14 Gold ingot.png
Slowness 11 Gold ingot.png 14 Gold ingot.png 20 Gold ingot.png
Weakness 4 Gold ingot.png 7 Gold ingot.png 13 Gold ingot.png