Server Commands
From Shotbow Wiki
A list of the various commands used across the shotbow network. Commands are in teal, and required options are in (parenthesis). Optional options are in green with [brackets]. Vanilla server commands, such as /tell or /kill, are not listed.
Shotbow Commands
These commands can be used everywhere on Shotbow.
- /hub - Sends you back to the Shotbow lobby.
- /perms - Lists your player groups, generally "default".
- /myxp - Shows your current Shotbow XP amount.
- /multiplier - Shows your current Shotbow XP multiplier.
- /report (playername) - Brings up a menu to report a player who is breaking Shotbow's rules (abuse of this system can get you banned from reporting anyone else).
- /comment (message) or /c (msg) - Places a comment on the latest player you've reported (cannot be used when a chat spam report has been issued).
- /register (Email) - Registers your account name with the email provided on Required to start earning Shotbow XP.
- /changeemail (Email) - Changes the email address associated with your account (Useful if you /registered with an incorrect or misspelled email).
- /refresh - Refreshes package info.
- /ping - Shows your ping to the server.
Commands that can be used on MineZ.
- /tell, /msg, /whisper, /w (playername) (message) - Private message another player on the server
- /mz spawn- Selects and brings you to a random spawn point in the world.
- Useful if the Zombie Head in your inventory doesn't work in the spawn lobby.
- Premium players can choose their spawn point by selecting from Spawn #1 to Spawn #40.
- /mz stats - Opens a GUI to show your current achievement progress.
- /mz server - Tells you which MineZ server you're playing on.
- /mz kill - Instantly kills the player. Useful for respawning quickly.
- /mz uptime - Tells you how long the server has been online since the last reboot.
- /mz deathmessages - Toggles between local and global death messages.
- /toggle - Opens a GUI to toggle on or off various options.
- /logout - Initiates a safe logout countdown of 15 seconds.
- Do this to prevent a NPC from spawning and safely disconnect from MineZ.
- /ignore (player) - Ignores the specified player.
- /cosmetics - Use/apply purchased cosmetics.
- Visit the Shotbow buycraft to purchase various cosmetics!
Commands that can be used in Annihilation.
- !(message) - Sends a message to the Global channel instead of Team chat.
- /vote (map) - Votes for a map to play on.
- /stats show (player) - Shows the player's stats if online.
- /preferences or /pref - Opens up the preferences menu.
- /cosmetics - Changes your kill effects.
- /chat mute (player) - Mutes a player from your chat.
- /chat unmute (player) - Unmutes a player.
- /dado [IGN] or /dado #[Team] - Shows nexus damage done and nexus damage healed with handyman.
- /compass - Gives the player a compass.
Team Commands
- /team view - Shows you how many players are on each team.
- /team join (color/player) - Attempt to join that team or that player's team.
- /team leave - Leaves your team. Only works while the player is still queuing for a team.
- /team stats (color) - In development.
Clan Commands
- /clan - Lists commands tied to command /clan.
- /clan invite (player) - Invites selected player to your clan. (Clan leader and officer only)
- /clan invite accept/deny - Accepts or denies invite.
- /clan title (player) (title) - Changes selected player's clan title to given title. (Clan leader and officer only)
- /clan leave - Leaves current clan.
- /clan view [clanName] - Views clan members and tag. Add clan name to view specific clans.
- /clan manage - Manages clan. Able to kick and invite players. (Clan leader and officer only). Able to change clan name and tag name (Clan leader only).
- /clan create (tag) (name) - Creates a clan with clan tag (shown next to player's name) and clan name. * Must own clan charter to use.
Party Commands
- /party or /p - Shows the current party status or your requests if you are not in a party. (If premium.)
- /party requests - Shows all your party requests.
- /party create - Creates a new party.
- /party invite (player) - Invites selected player to your party.
- /party kick (player) - Kicks selected player from your party.
- /party leave - Leaves the current party.
- /party disband - Remove all players from your party including yourself.
- /party promote (player) - Promotes selected player to party leader.
Commands that can be used on SMASH.
- /q or quit - Leaves the game you were in and brings you to spawn
- /elo (name) - Shows the current ELO of that player.
- /music - Toggles playing music in the lobby (commonly active during seasonal events)
Party Commands
- /party create - Creates a new party.
- /party info - Provides the details of your party
- /party bring - Brings players into your party game
- /party leave - Leaves the current party.
- /party invite (name) - Invites selected player to your party.
- /party promote (name) - Promotes selected player to party leader.
- /party kick (name) - Removes selected player from your party.
- /party disband - Remove all players from your party including yourself.
Commands that can be used on GG.
- /kit - Brings up a menu of kits to choose from.
- /quit - Quit the match you are in.
Team Commands
- /team - Commands for teams.
- /team requests - Shows all your team requests.
- /team create - Creates a new team.
- /team leave - Leaves the current team.
- /team invite (player) - Invites selected player to your team.
- /team name (name) - Changes your team name to name specified.
Party Commands
- /party or /p - Shows the current party status or your requests if you are not in a party. (If premium.)
- /party create - Creates a new party.
- /party invite (player) - Invites selected player to your party.
- /party kick (player) - Kicks selected player from your party.
- /party leave - Leaves the current party.
- /party disband - Remove all players from your party including yourself.
- /party promote (player) - Promotes selected player to party leader.
Mine Theft Auto
Commands that can be used on Mine Theft Auto.
- /tpa (player) - Teleports you to their position, when you send the request.
- /tpahere (player) - Teleports the player to your position you were at when you send the request.
- /spawn - Respawns you to a random place in the world after a 10 sec wait time. Any kind of movement cancels the progress.
- /lobby - Teleports you to the MTA lobby. When in combat you have to wait 5 seconds without moving.
- /changeinstance - Allows you to switch between public games and join/create private games.
- /leaderboard - Opens the leaderboards
- /mchat - Mission chat which every mission member can read
- /psm - Opens private session menu
- /balance - Tells you your total on-hand money amount
- /mission - View mission commands.
- /mission leave - Leaves the current mission.
- /mission list - Views players in current mission.
- /home - Lists home commands.
- /home view - Views all currently owned homes.
- /home tp [ID] - Allows you to tp to any owned home. Adding the ID tps you to that home (must own).
- /kit - Opens up the Kits menu.
- /shop - Opens up the Online Shopping menu.
- /tutorial - Opens up the Tutorials menu.
- /trade (playername) - Initiates a trade between another player.
- /bounty - View bounty commands.
- /bounty getlist - Lists all players with a bounty on their head.
- /bounty set (playername) (amount) - Sets a bounty on said player with said amount (amount must be at least $1K).
- /satnav - View satnav commands.
- /satnav list - Lists all available satnav locations.
- /satnav goto/set (name) - Sets the satnav to said location.
- /ch - View channel commands.
- /ch toggleglobal - Toggles global chat.
Party Commands
- /party - Lets you manage your party.
- /party create - Creates a new party.
- /party list - Lists all players in the party.
- /party setadmin (player) - Promotes selected player to admin.
- /party accept - Accepts your pending party invitation
- /party invite (player) - Invites selected player to your party.
- /party kick (player) - Kicks selected player from your party.
- /p (msg) - Sends a message to all players in the party.
- /party leave - Leaves the current party.
Gang Commands
- /gang - View gang commands.
- /gang view - Views own gang (if in one).
- /gang see (player) - Views the gang of another online player.
- /gang rename (name) - Renames your gang (costs 1,000xp).
- /gang create (name) - Creates a gang with specified name (costs $50,000 MTA + 500xp).
- /gang disband - Removes the gang (you will NOT be refunded).
- /gang add (player) - Adds a player to the gang.
- /gang leave - Leaves current gang.
- /gang kick (player) - Kicks a player from the gang.
- /gang members - Lists current players in the gang.
- /gang set (player) (position) - Sets a player to recruit, member, admin, senior, co-owner or owner. (You can only set people to ranks lower than your own!)
- /gang bank view - Views gang bank balance.
- /gang deposit (amount) - Deposits money into the gang bank.
- /gang withdraw (amount) - Withdraws money from the gang bank.
- /gmsg (msg) - Sends a message to all players in the gang.
When in Rogue
Commands that can be used on When in Rogue.
- /town - go back to the WiR lobby.
- /vote restart
- /vote return
party commands
- /p - can be used instead of /party. Works with all commands below.
- /party create - Creates a party.
- /party invite (player) - Invites a player to your party.
- /party info - Provides the details of your party.
- /party requests - Opens request inventory.
- /party gui - Toggles invite request inventory pop-up.
- /party promote (player) - Promotes a player to leader.
- /party kick (player) - Kicks a player from your party.
- /party leave - Leaves your current party.
- /party disband - Disbands your current party.